The Blender

"Hey! What am I doing in here with strawberries and blueberries? I'm a banana!"

Have you ever been put into a group of people with whom you never would have chosen yourself? Take group assignments for example, it seems that the professor always places very different people into one group. This can some times occur at your job place as well. Maybe you have a project and your boss pairs you up with the unlikeliest of people. It happens.

Throughout my life I have just about always found myself with the most random people. Take a look at my closest group of friends. We couldn't be more different. But it works. This is the story of my life.

Now that I look back on everything I see how it couldn't be any more fitting that I betrothed a man much different than I. And I'm not talking about the color of our skin. I'm referring to the blending of our family.

Many times I have asked God that one funny question, "Hey! What am I doing in here with strawberries and blueberries? I'm a banana!" yet I have known for quite some time that I was asking the wrong question.

You see or as some of you may know, it isn't exactly the easiest thing being in a role you never auditioned for. Having a "blended" family is so much more than meets the eye. And never in a million years -well I'd actually say an eternity- did I picture myself in a blended family. But here I am...right there. Once I realized how mature I needed to be to fit into this family tree I decided to do some digging. I needed to get my roots down deep. I read and read so many articles and blogs on having a blended family and being a step mom that I realized every story is different and unique. I read how some people gave up- most people gave up. But I also read how many thrived.

And then I quit reading. I picked up the Word of God. The best source for a blended family.

And do you know what happened? God answered me, "Shhh! I'm making a smoothie!" God is making a smoothie? Are you kidding me?! He wasn't.

I don't mean to get all T.D Jakes on you but let me just let you in on something. Get ready get ready get ready!

God likes smoothies.

Just because he created marriage to be lasting doesn't mean that when a family and marriage falls a part so does His will! His will is His word and His word will never pass away! And sometimes strawberries and blueberries just taste better with bananas!

From the bottom of my heart I am telling you all that God is in control. Just when you think you don't belong be still because God is creating a new recipe.

I no longer ask God what I'm doing in a blender with strawberries and bananas; I tell him to keep blending!

I love my blended family. And to all the blended families out there; be of good cheer! God is blending you for a new recipe the world has yet to see! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile with tears of joy. I want to share with my sons, I too have a blended family!

    E Morris
