
I plan on being completely transparent in this post. Im not afraid of your opinion anymore because what I'm about to tell you is true for so many.

Sometime last week, I caught it. This very deadly disease eats away at the very life you possess. It is life threatening and only has one cure. How it came about (at the time) I had no clue. But it got me good. My words became as a poisonous venom that spewed nothing but death onto me and those around me.

It all started with me. I spoke nasty mean things over myself. Downing myself on every level is how it started. Then because I had downed myself I began to down what others thought of me. It then translated into no body caring enough about me to celebrate my birthday. I mean I really spoke so much negativity over this week it started coming true!

Not only did I ruin my own attitude, I ruined the attitude of those around me. Your words, whether positive or negative, are highly contagious. And this past week really showed me just how transferrable my attitude was.

My family could see that I was spewing venom and warned me of its consequences. But I didnt listen. It wasnt until I seen the negative effects with my own eyes that I decided to change my thinking.

And once I did, my whole attitude changed.

Look this isnt that deep of a post as far as the writing goes, but it is one of the most serious. It took more than it should have to get me to understand the power of negativity. And although I am doing much better, I still have to experience some of the consequences I spoke into existence because of my negativity.

All I'm saying is watch what you say and be careful what you think. Renew your mind daily with the word of God.

To everyone who had to endure my negativity or who even got bitten by it I apologize. Lesson learned.

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