The Break Up

Have you ever had your heart broken? Can you remember how it felt? Surely one can't forget the heart-wrenching pain that comes when people leave your life. I've always heard that some people are for a season and some are for a lifetime. I'm finally realizing that that doesn't just apply to a significant other but to any friend you may have.

Two weeks ago I had a breakup. Well I mean, what else do you call it? A friend of mine who I held dear to my heart decided to end our friendship- at least that is what I've gathered based on the absence of communication.

It was out of the blue entirely and I had not prepared for it. And that is the worst. Its a true blow to the heart. I cried myself to sleep and worried myself for three days straight. I examined my own heart to really understand if I was the one in the wrong and I even extended my apologies if I had come across a certain way. Yet sometimes apologies are not accepted, even by those you think would be quick to forgive.

At the end of three days I dried my tears and as I was doing so I had three flashbacks. This had happened before! In the past, people who I had held dear and thought would be friends forever pulled a Houdini on me and vanished. I've not heard from them since. I began to recollect the pain I had felt from these previous times and you know what? It made me feel a lot better. I knew then that the pain would subside.

People come and they go. It is up to me to be the best friend possible. I will never be the perfect friend, but as long as I know how to say I'm sorry and treat someone as I would want to be treated, I am doing my job.

I've learned so much in the past year on what true love and friendship means. Simply put love is a commitment. And I've learned that once I've committed there is no turning back. Every friendship should have that at the foundation.

I'm not writing this to blast anyone- if I had wanted to do that I would have wrote specifics. I am writing this because I want to share my experiences and lessons. And out of this unfortunate break up I am stronger because of it. I have no resentment nor am I angry and I have open arms if my friend ever wants to return. But in the meantime, I have come to find who is truly committed to me and that makes me smile...really really hard!


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