Love Ain't What They Said

I thought I knew what love was. I thought I had a good idea of what marriage was; boy was I wrong. I think many women come into marriage thinking that it will be a fairy tale. We spend our entire lives searching for the boy to bring home to meet daddy; we search for the boy who will wait on us hand and foot. We think we know what love is, therefore we search with our eyes and emotions- not our spirits.

I remember being young- and by young I don't mean age. I would daydream about my wedding and how perfect my marriage would be. I had it all planned out, as many of you have done so as well. I knew what I wanted and how I wanted it to be, but I had no real idea of what love took. I had no idea of love having substance. I only knew what I saw in the movies or read in teen magazines. And that kind of love is no love at all; it's a fabricated emotion of self-gratification.

No need to Google the definition of love, you can read it in the Bible. Its there plain and simple. And even though I had heard and read it a hundred times over, I still didn't have an idea on what it meant to love.

From the moment I said "I do" until now I have become aware. As if someone took the blindfold from my eyes and the mask from my face, I truly became aware. Every moment since then has become my awakening to love. It's not always rainbows and butterflies like I imagined. Don't get me wrong I still get butterflies and feel like a lovesick puppy from time to time, but those feelings don't aid me in love anymore.

I am fully aware of what love is...finally. So let me tell you what those teen magazines and Hollywood blockbusters aren't going to tell you. You want to know what love truly is? 

Love is in what you give. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with someone else. Love puts your spouse first; above your needs and wants they are first. Love is accepting that your spouse isn't perfect; they will make mistakes. Love is waking up to bad breath and kissing them anyhow. It's seeing them at their worse and not being grossed out. It's doing the dishes and sweeping the floor. It's waiting for them to get ready. It's leaving work early just to be there for them when they need you most. It's getting their favorite  snack at the grocery store. It's hugging their neck and kissing their face before they leave and when they get home. It's getting ground turkey instead of ground chuck. It's saying sorry first. It's talking things out. It's putting down your project to spend time with them. It's not walking out. It's staying. 

So many couples fall apart because they aren't willing to love; love stays and conquers. In the end, love always wins. 

So don't believe the advice on love the world gives- it's built on earthly concepts and not spiritual fruits. The eye is deceiving and the heart misleading. Put your faith in God when it comes to finding your mate. And don't be discouraged when your relationship seems impossible- marriage isn't for the faint of heart! Trust that when you are tucking the kids in bed, making your spouse a meal or just folding laundry, you are walking in love- it's ALL about giving!

This is dedicated to my best friend, my partner in crime, my lover, my secret-keeper- you have shown me what real love is and I am so glad that God gave me you. XOXO

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